Watermelon, the best of all the fruits, is a great diet source for fat-burners besides being a perfect hydrant on a hot summer day. This literally ‘cool’ fruit can help you shed weight phenomenally. More so, the web is going gaga over the Watermelon Diet’s cleansing and detoxifying properties.
So what exactly is this Watermelon Diet? How long can it be practiced for? Does it produce the promised results? What are its pros and cons? Let’s dig in deep to know this diet inside out!


There are many versions available on the web. But I am going to write down two most popular ones- a mildly longer 9-13 day diet plan mentioned on Life Jacks, and a short but highly restrictive 5 day diet plan.
The 5 Day Watermelon Diet
The 5 days diet claims to shed down as much as 7 pounds in just 5 days! But that is only if you adhere to it strictly. No extra calories to tag along, no cheat sheets.
Here is the detailed meal plan:
Day 1
1 Slice of Watermelon
1 cup of Coffee or Green Tea
1 Slice of Watermelon
150 Grams of Boiled Lean Beef
150 Grams of Boiled Rice
1 Slice of Watermelon
1 Slice of Whole Bread
60 grams of Cottage Cheese
Day 2:
1 Slice of Watermelon
1 Slice of Toast
1 cup of Coffee or Green Tea
1 Slice of Watermelon
1 Slice of Whole Bread
100 grams of Skinless Boiled Chicken
2 Slices of Watermelon
100 grams of Grilled Fish (Pick any fish of your choice)
100 grams of Boiled Rice
Day 3:
1 Slice of Watermelon
1 Slice of Toast
1 Cup of Coffee or Green Tea
3 Slices of Watermelon
50 grams of Pasta with Tomato Sauce
Watermelon (As much as you want)
Vegetable Salad (Pick any Vegetables of your choice)
Day 4:
2 Slices of Watermelon
2 Slices of Watermelon
1 Slice of Whole Bread
1 Bowl of Cream Broccoli Soup ( Take 3 cups of Broccoli with ½ an onion. Put enough water to cover it in a utensil. Boil it thoroughly and then make a puree of it with a blender or a grinder. Add salt to taste.)
2 Slices of Watermelon
3 over-baked medium Potatoes
Day 5:
3 Slices of Watermelon
Watermelon (As much as you want)
150 grams of Boiled Lean Beef
3 Slices of Watermelon
1 Slice of Whole Bread
60 grams of Cottage Cheese
This 5 Day diet plan gives you enough liquid to survive. You are having so much of watermelon. So ignoring plain water for some time can be a cakewalk. Although, I am not suggesting you to ignore it on purpose.


This one is a weight-loss cum Detox diet plan that can be endured between 9-13 days. Like any other diet, you are expected to be devoted to the chart. Also, make sure you take your doctor/dietician’s advice before giving it a head start.
It is basically divided into 2 levels. So here goes:
Level 1:
This is but a mono diet. You need to be fit and healthy to be able to do it. It requires you to survive on watermelon ONLY, for 3 days. That’s right; watermelon only. You can have it in infinite quantity, although by the third day, you would prefer to stay hungry than have watermelon over again!
But then again, you don’t have to starve. Have the fruit whenever you get hunger pangs. Starving will only make you weaker and have its own adverse effects.
You may pretty much get it that you are strictly limited on calories and nutrition. That’s why the diet expects you to be healthy enough to do it.
Level 2:
This is the final one. At this level, you are allowed to have two meals a day, which means it is not as strict as the first level. The duration varies from 6 to 10 days. Watermelon goes as a snack in between these meals.
Here goes the daily chart:
1 Bowl of Whole Cereals with Milk
1 Slice of Cheese
2-3 Slices of Watermelon
You can pick one of these options:
Skinless Grilled or Boiled Chicken
Fish or Lean Beef with no added fats
1 Bowl of Salad with your choice of Vegetables. You can add vinegar, lemon or a few drops of olive oil as dressing
2-3 Slice of Watermelon
These short and long term diet plans are a perfect example of low-calorie diets. Under normal health conditions with no signs of any chronic illness, Watermelon diet can do wonders.
You aren’t bound to feed on just watermelon for these 5 days. The meal plan involves a good deal of other nutrition-providing foods. The idea is to cut down largely on calories while keeping the nutrition content to the optimum level.
How Does Watermelon Diet work?
According to Stylecraze, watermelon has the ability to increase your body’s Arginine levels. Arginine is a type of amino acid that relaxes your blood vessels, thereby reducing the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Besides, Citrulline, another efficient ingredient, helps in speeding up the healing process in your system.
Watermelon diet helps you stave off all the extra calories from kidney and lungs. This reduces the odds of any infection in your body. It has also been surveyed that watermelon augments the fertility power among men.
However, many dieters get back to binge eating as soon as they are done with this diet chart. Bad idea!
The effects of watermelon diet are definitely not forever and for always. In fact, the outcome will hold true only for as long as you maintain self-discipline. Keep your meal-size to the optimum level. Include only the healthy and highly nutritious foods.
Probable Benefits of Watermelon Diet
Watermelon, the king of all fruits is very low on calories. So you can have it in good quantities even while dieting.
It is quick way to shed those lousy chunks.
Watermelon is rich in fibre and Vitamin A and free from cholesterol.
The diet works great for people who are constantly constipated. It removes all the waste stuck in your colon and relieves you of belching.
Watermelon has been proven to increase sexual health.
It works great for your skin and hair by hydrating your body.
Probable Side Effects of Watermelon Diet
Watermelon diet is very strict in nature. The diet chart may not be sufficient for you.
It can lead to excessive fatigue and dizziness.
Since it is more of a liquid diet with fewer solids, you may get constipated after a couple of days.
As it is not possible to continue such a restrictive diet for long term, you are prone to gain back weight when you get back in routine.
This diet does not provide you enough nutrition. Eventually, your internal organs might even fail.
If not followed religiously, you may not achieve the promised results.
Continuing this diet for a longer length of time could lead to nervous or cardiac disorders.
Does Exercising Go with the Watermelon Diet?
If you are working out, keep it to the minimal level. The amount of calories included in the watermelon diet is quite scarce. Hence, if you burn too much, you might land up feeling dizzy and fatigued.
Even after mild workout, if you feel light-headed or unwell, stop the physical activity immediately.
The 5 Day Watermelon diet is a hardcore mono diet that demands a great deal of patience and self-control. You need to have a healthy body to be able to restrict yourself to such an extent.
However, the diet works great if you have to achieve short term goals. Whether it is for your Prom night to hit the Hawaiian beaches this weekend, watermelon diet can do wonders for you in just 5 days.
I’d suggest you to consult your personal physician before going ahead with it. However effective it may be, the diet is utterly restrictive. You might even fall off the ladder midway.
