I know this seems unbelievable, but it really happened. Many women are in constant search for something like this. They want to find that magic potion that will remove their extra pounds and typically they want them to come off quickly.
A quick note, the best and most healthy way to lose weight is slow and steady. A good rate to target for your weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. This can be achieved through diet and exercise. A slower, more steady rate allows your body to adapt properly and truly get to its healthiest state.
With that said, there are several remedies that can be used to jump-start your weight loss goals. These will typically remove more weight faster and can be a good tool when starting, if you hit a plateau or when you need that final push to get you to where you want to be.
Well, here we are.
I’m here to share with you the story of Ramiza Turzimehich. She is the one who wants you to know her secret. It’s a drink. Yes. She lost 11 pounds in 2 days drinking one drink. Her determination to lose weight was huge. That’s how she found about parsley.
You know that green herb hanging around your house? Oh yeah. That one. She said parsley is really amazing. And, in a matter of 2 days, she lost a total of 11 pounds by using the remedy below.
As you can see it worked for someone. The recipe is more than simple. It is like making any other regular tea.


  • Boil 1l water
  • Add 5 tbsp. chopped parsley
  • Leave it to cool down for 20 min.
  • Drink it
Weight loss wasn’t the first thing that came to her mind that made her drink this tea. The problem she had with her kidneys made her do it. When she started looking for the solution, everyone kept telling her parsley is amazing for her kidneys. Her advice is to drink at least 1L of parsley tea during the day.
The best thing is that you can drink it hot or cold. While we are here, let’s check out the benefits of parsley real quick. Parsley is really good.
